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EN60: Cyber ​​risk assessment in new and existing industrial systems in energy, oil, and gas. (ID#54166)

WiseCourses Campus Virtual e-Learning Platform, Miami

Execute and comply with the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards for the Cyber Risk Assessment (ASSESSMENT) phase. Harmonize with the requirements of popular regulations, such as NERC/CIP, C2M2 and others. Develop clarity about the deliverables to be produced at the end of each of the activities. Execute all activities successfully, making optimal use of resources and time. Correctly identify the system under study, whether these systems are existing or future. Assess the organization's capabilities, best practices, and identify potential opportunities for improvement. Identify all possible consequences that should be avoided and mitigated during decision-making. Learn how to conduct reasonable and appropriate vulnerability assessments for accurate risk assessment. Participate in and/or lead a detailed cyber risk assessment based on realistic consequences. Help make good decisions in a way that is consistent with other industrial risk disciplines. Develop a clear and effective action plan for risk reduction in accordance with the company's risk matrix and risk tolerance.


IC34: Diseño e Implementación de Ciberseguridad en Sistemas Industriales Nuevos y Existentes, español (ID#53910)

WiseCourses Campus Virtual e-Learning Platform, Miami

Conozca y aprenda los requerimientos para mitigar todos los riesgos identificados que permitan cumplir con las decisiones tomadas durante la evaluación de riesgos (Curso IC33). Aprenda las bases fundamentales para diseñar, construir y poner en marcha sistemas nuevos libres de riesgos y para rediseñar sistemas existentes que mitiguen efectiva y eficientemente todos los riesgos no tolerables por la organización. Aprenda conceptos de defensa en profundidad y seguridad por diseño. Planifique y desarrolle pruebas de aceptación de requisitos de seguridad (Cyber-FAT y Cyber-SAT). Este curso es fundamental tanto para usuarios finales como para proveedores de servicios y soluciones de sistemas industriales. Durante los ejercicios se enseñará a los participantes a utilizar las normas ISA/IEC-62443-3-3, ISA/IEC-62443-4-2, ISA/IEC-62443-2-4, ISA/IEC-62443-2-3, entre otras.