WisePlant – A WiseGroup Company
Episode 2 Clip 2

Episode 2 Clip 2 – The true goals of industrial cybersecurity.

This clip discusses the importance of industrial cybersecurity in preventing consequences rather than just incidents. It emphasizes the need for strategic management of risks to ensure plant safety and longevity, highlighting the key role of correctly implemented cybersecurity measures. The video also touches on calculating return on investment and the significance of maintaining a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy for overall business success.

  • 0:00 Industrial Cybersecurity Introduction
  • 4:32 Implementing Industrial Cybersecurity
  • 5:19 Importance of Correct Implementation
  • 6:26 Calculating Return on Investment
  • 7:07 Managing Industrial Risk Disciplines

Discover the intricate world of industrial cybersecurity in this insightful clip. Delve into the critical importance of preventing consequences rather than just incidents, highlighting the complex dynamics involved in defending control systems. Learn about the challenges and benefits of managing industrial cybersecurity risks, and how a strategic approach can lead to a safer and more secure plant environment.

Explore the concept of industrial risk disciplines and the impact of properly implemented cybersecurity measures on the overall safety and longevity of a business. Gain valuable insights on calculating return on investment and evaluating the cost of ownership to ensure a comprehensive cybersecurity strategy. Unravel the analogy of growing a tree to understand the importance of correctly setting up and maintaining cybersecurity measures for long-term success.

Engage with the discussion on the shared objectives of various risk disciplines and the fundamental significance of keeping industrial plants safe and secure. Embark on a journey of understanding and implementing industrial cybersecurity to safeguard critical assets and ensure the continuity of operations.

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Episode 2 Clip 4

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Episode 2 Clip 3

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Episode 2 Clip 1 - The importance of Risk Assessment.

Episode 2 Clip 1 – The importance of Risk Assessment.

This video cast focuses on the importance of risk assessment in industrial cybersecurity. The speakers discuss the significance of identifying ...

About the author: Maximillian G. Kon ISA Qualified Instructor Qualified Instructor ISA Groups Member

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Industrial Cybersecurity and Safety Solutions


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