WisePlant – A WiseGroup Company

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs

Whether you want to become an industrial cybersecurity expert or ensure industrial cyber risk mitigation effectively, efficiently, and sufficiency, you’ve come to the right place. For this we offer the most complete and comprehensive program on the market.

  • Training Programs and Courses
  • Developed primarily for industry
  • Available in Spanish, Portuguese, and English
  • We combine diverse learning styles
  • In face-to-face and virtual modalities
  • Educational Campus of excellent performance
  • Tailor-made programs for companies
  • Professional Certifications
  • Knowledge and Experience

. Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 1

Improve motivation and productivity in Industrial Cybersecurity. Professional Career Development. Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 2A person’s career development in industrial cybersecurity reflects their vision, goals, motivation, and approaches to learning. Career development provides an opportunity to explore potential career goals and plan steps to achieve them. Whether individually or corporately, we assist in the planning and development of professional careers around industrial safety.

It consists of a series of courses dedicated to guidance, awareness and conceptualization in industrial cybersecurity and the particularities of industrial critical infrastructures.

Main Values

We provide and teach a simplified practical methodology that allows to comply with all the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards. Complementary include the applicable regulations, in case they are mandatory. Mitigate all the intolerable risks with the least effort, investing wisely, while achieving the objectives as quickly as possible.

  • Effective: mitigate risks by implementing actions that reduce and eliminate risks in a clear and proven manner. Make correct decisions, avoid making wrong decisions.
  • Efficient: use resources optimally, avoid spending much on actions that do not contribute to effective risk mitigation, accelerate implementation and mitigation times, invest only in those actions that really mitigate the identified and particular risks for each zone and conduit.
  • Sufficient: implement all those mitigation actions that are necessary and effective to achieve adequate risk mitigation. Avoid spending on the implementation of actions that do not work.
  • Practical: Govern, discover, evaluate, make decisions, design, implement, mitigate, test, verify, monitor, alert, respond, manage, change, and maintain tolerable plant risk practically that everyone can follow and understand without getting lost along the way.

Meet 100% of ISA/IEC-62443 series requirements with ease

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 3We have collaborated with ISA Training during the design and development of the ISA99 professional training and certification program (IC32, IC33, IC34 and IC37). The agnostic courses developed by ISA, have as their main purpose, that professionals understand all the requirements, but they do not aim to explain the best way to comply with all of them.

It is the responsibility of the user to comply with all requirements. We often see how many “Experts” after obtaining the 4 official certificates of the ISA, fail to implement and comply. When the moment of truth arrives, they do not have the methodology or the right tools to meet the large number of requirements. They get lost, distracted by regulations, forget what they have learned, stray from the path, and lack practical experience.

Our training and certification program focuses on meeting all requirements in a practical and easy-to-follow way without getting lost among the large number of requirements. We do not get into the details of the requirements. Let’s go to the most practical part of its application, based on decades of experience.

Other standards and regulations (C2M2, NIST, NERC, etc.)

Currently, there are numerous regulations, laws, recommendations, best practices, guidelines, and controls intended to contribute to the mitigation of industrial cyber risks. Unfortunately, all of them are insufficient, and do not achieve the announced objective. In fact, they are far from achieving it and push companies to spend massive sums of money on actions that are neither effective nor efficient for real risk mitigation.

Many of these recommendations and requirements distract attention and resources, more importantly, delay effective and efficient risk mitigation. We teach you to select those actions that really contribute to risk mitigation, avoiding spending on actions that do not contribute and that only serve to waste resources and money.

Effective, Efficient, Sufficient and Fundamentally Practical

The WisePlant’s Professional Training and Certification Program in Industrial Cybersecurity, consists of a series of courses organized according to the phase of the cybersecurity life cycle of one or more industrial control systems (SUC, systems under consideration).

The main objective is that participants can comply practically and easily, with all the requirements of the standards, but fundamentally and most important of all is the effective and efficient mitigation of all cyber risks. The correct and proper implementation and compliance with the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards is crucial for optimal implementation.

The classes are developed entirely in English, facilitating understanding and discussion in class with the official certified instructor.

  • Im aware about Industrial Cybersecurity

    Industrial Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Awareness

    8 hours of Industrial Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructure Awareness. Detail.

  • Certified Agent

    Introduction to Industrial Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructures

    16 hours of Introduction to Industrial Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructures. Detail.

  • Certified Alters Manager

    2199: Management and Management of Industrial Cybersecurity Altertas Applying the ISA/IEC-62443 Standard

    24 hours dedicated to the management of industrial cybersecurity alerts and implementation of response plans without delays. Learn more.




The official ISA program was specially created to ensure that participants have a good understanding of the requirements and fundamentals of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards. Most people tend to get confused and especially those with experience in information security.

The WisePlant program was specially created to implement and comply with all the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards and other regulations in a practical and efficient way. Most organizations tend to make many mistakes that undermine the success of risk mitigation.



  • Certificate 1

    Using the ISA/IEC-62443 Standard to Protect Control Systems (IC32)

    16 hours to understand the fundamentals of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards. Detail.

  • Certificate 1

    Industrial Cybersecurity Management for Project Managers (2150)

    8 hours to understand how to manage, administer, supervise Industrial Cybersecurity projects successfully. Detail.

  • Certificate 2

    Vulnerability Analysis and Cyber Risk Assessment in New and Existing Industrial Systems (IC33)

    24 hours to understand the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards to develop cyber risk assessment in existing and future industrial systems. Detail.

  • Certificate 2

    Industrial Cyber Risk Assessment in Zones and Conduits (2160)

    16 hours to learn how to assess industrial cyber risks and make sound security decisions. Detail.

  • Certificate 3

    Design and Implementation of Cybersecurity in New and Existing Industrial Systems (IC34)

    24 hours to understand the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards for cybersecurity design and implementation in existing and future industrial systems. Detail.

  • Certificate 3

    Design and Implementation of Cybersecurity in Zones and Conduits (2161)

    16 hours to know how to design, implement and verify the mitigation of industrial cyber risks. Detail.

  • Certificate 4

    Operation and Maintenance of Cybersecurity in Industrial Systems (IC37)

    24 hours to understand the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards for the operation and maintenance of cybersecurity in industrial systems. Detail.

  • Certificate 4

    Monitoring and Maintenance of Industrial Cybersecurity in Zones and Conduits (2162)

    16 hours to know how to operate and maintain industrial plants free of cyber risk. Detail.

  • Certificate 5

    Industrial Cybersecurity Expert

    Once the participant has obtained the four official ISA certificates, they will be able to replace them with a single Expert certificate. It certifies that the professional knows and understands the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards. (It does not certify that the professional has experience).

  • Certificate 5

    Industrial Cyber Risk Mitigation Expert

    Once the participant has obtained the four previous certificates and has accumulated experience after the effective application of the knowledge acquired in practice, he will be able to obtain the certificate of CERTIFIED EXPERT.


Professional Certification Program

Experience is more difficult to gain than knowledge, since it involves having done it, lived, felt or suffered several times. The best thing is, of course, a combination of both: knowledge and experience are needed. Knowledge will tell us what to do and experience how to do it.

Would you get on a plane knowing that the pilot has no experience? What if you were told that in the theoretical evaluation you got 100 out of 100 would you change your answer? When it comes to industrial safety, something very similar happens. Tolerance for mistakes is minimal or none, bad decisions endanger people’s lives and the environment, just to mention a few.

Training and Certification. Knowledge.

Knowledge is the familiarity, awareness, or understanding of someone or something, such as facts (descriptive knowledge), skills (procedural knowledge), or objects (knowledge by familiarity). It is the one we typically learn through training and certification courses.

Certification of Experience. Experience.

Experience is nothing more than having faced a lot of challenges over and over again, so you know exactly what to do in each situation. Experience allows you to solve your customer a problem or overcome a challenge in less time, but above all, it saves you from future problems.

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 4

In the industrial field, the lack of experience has high hidden costs. The problem of lack of experience.

When we develop security disciplines that aim to mitigate or reduce risk to acceptable limits, learning from mistakes is usually highly costly for some parties. The concern is that the lack of experience leads to the incorrect execution of activities that will most likely be hidden for years, or perhaps decades, even after the incidents have occurred. Since there is no awareness that it is being done wrong.

One of the difficulties that are most often seen is in the interpretation of the rules. The rules do not with books or novels that are read straight. Frequently the requirements of the beginning are connected and linked to the requirements of the end and the multiple sections with each other. The best way to understand and understand the standards is through formal training courses with official instructors. Even so, it requires a significant effort from the professional.

Another problem that is also observed very frequently is the lack of experience in how to comply with the rules. For example: understanding the rules of football, being a good observer and commentator, does not make you a good player. This also requires training. The transfer of this knowledge from the most expert to the newest is of fundamental importance, or more. The inexperienced are easily tempted and pushed by others (resistance to organizational change) to make a multiplicity of mistakes, often serious.

Ask yourself again: Would you get on a plane knowing that the pilot has the same level of training and experience as your safety consultant, or who is giving you a training course by transferring knowledge? An industrial plant is like an airplane. The safety of people, the environment, and many others depend on it. The security decisions that are made now will determine the results that will only be seen or appreciated over time, and by then it will be too late.

A training and certification program of knowledge and experience. Knowledge and Experience Program.

For this reason we have created a professional certification program combining knowledge and experience, where professionals can acquire both. A professional with less practical experience, she learns from another professional with a lot of practical experience. Experience can be taught and transmitted in practice without the need for mistakes to be made.

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 5

ISA Official Training and Certificate Relationship

The courses 2150, 2160, 2161, and 2162 do not compete with or replace ISA’s official IC32, IC33, IC34, and IC37 courses. These two training and certificate programs have different goals.

The official ISA courses are agnostic and have as their main objective that professionals understand the requirements of the standards. ISA courses teach “what to do,” but not “how to do it.” The objective is to explain and understand the fundamentals and the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards, how it works, the vocabulary, the concepts, definitions, terminology, among others; how it is structured and organized. If you are looking to understand each of the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 series of standards, ISA’s official courses are, undoubtedly, the best option.

On the other hand, courses 2150, 2160, 2161, and 2162 focus on how to comply with all the requirements of the ISA/IEC-62443 standards, and the regulations, practically, without going into the detail of each of the requirements of the standards (and regulations).

Become an ISA active member

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 2It is of great advantage for all professionals who develop activities in the industrial field, to be active members of ISA, and to maintain active membership year after year. ISA offers significant benefits for members that favor and facilitate career development. There is no doubt about the importance and value of more than 150 international standards for global industry.

Professional development with a good academic agnostic background, accompanied by the benefits that ISA provides to its members, results in a very positive impact for the industry and, therefore, for the organizations that hire them. In case you need advice for the incorporation of membership in the professional career programs, please contact us. Act!

ISA Secure – Certification Scheme

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 7We are active members of ISA Secure and were the first company in Latin America to become active collaborators of the organization.

ISAGCA – Alliance for Industrial Cybersecurity

Knowledge and Experience in Industrial Cybersecurity Training Programs 8We are founding members of the alliance of companies for the development and dissemination of best practices in Industrial Cybersecurity.

A well-conceived Training Course must be able to transfer the same knowledge to students and obtain the same results in any of its modalities (Face-to-face, Virtual Synchronous, Virtual Asynchronous, and On-Demand). In turn, this must be able to be achieved, almost independent of the teacher on duty, preserving the Know-How within the organization, companies and academic institutions. It should serve for the training of internal and external personnel. Even for the “Train The Trainers”. Our Methodology for the Development of Training Courses allows you to achieve these goals and becomes a valued ASSET within your organization that only pays for itself. If necessary, we also help you to register it and legally protect it as Intellectual Property. Do you have a knowledge that has cost you a lot to develop, would you like to package and that this is transformed into a Capital?

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