WisePlant – A WiseGroup Company
ARPEL and WisePlant sign cooperation agreement to promote the strengthening of cybersecurity in the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean 1

ARPEL and WisePlant sign cooperation agreement to promote the strengthening of cybersecurity in the energy sector in Latin America and the Caribbean

ARPEL (Regional Association of Companies in the Oil, Gas and Bio-fuels Sector in Latin America and the Caribbean) recently signed a memorandum of cooperation with WisePlant Group, with the aim of jointly promoting projects, studies, events and courses related to cybersecurity in critical infrastructures, in the search to make the most of the strengths of each one for the benefit of this issue that every day has more relevance in the oil industry and gas.

Likewise, both organizations commit through this agreement to exchange information on the development of initiatives to strengthen cybersecurity.

The agreement was signed by WisePlant Group CEO Maximillian Kon and ARPEL Executive Secretary Izeusse Braga.

WisePlant Group LLC is a privately held company headquartered in the United States with regional offices in Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia and Uruguay. Its purpose is to promote the use of global best practices in Industrial Cybersecurity and Critical Infrastructures, Process Security, Intrinsic Safety, Security of Persons and Physical Security.

WisePlant Group is an official training agent of ISA (International Society of Automation), corporate partner of ISA, ISASecure and an active member of ICS-CERT.

For its part, ARPEL has had its Cybersecurity Working Group since 2015, which is made up of specialists in the subject of the main oil and gas companies in the region, and aims to share experiences, the best management practices and new technologies applied in the world regarding the new challenges of cybersecurity.

It also seeks to raise awareness about cyber-resilience, which not only consists of preventing or responding to a cyberattack, but also includes the ability to operate during this event, adapting and recovering from it.

About ARPEL Here

About the author: Maximillian G. Kon ISA Qualified Instructor Qualified Instructor ISA Groups Member

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