WisePlant – A WiseGroup Company

Quality Management System (QMS)

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Summary: Our comprehensive quality management system contains programs, processes, procedures, instructions and records. Programs contain their own set of documents.

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At WiseGroup, we are extremely committed to the quality of all our services and commercial and technical executions. For this reason, we have implemented an integrated Quality Management System that is comprehensive and transversal to the entire organization. The WiseGroup management system is integral to the management of the organization and not only to quality management, but also to information security management and the implementation of all its policies.

ZERO OVERHEAD: We have incorporated Comprehensive Quality Management in such a way that the Management System itself is a work tool, and it is used naturally, which we implement the philosophy of “Activity-Based Quality Control” and “Quality by Design”. Always avoiding the creation of general expenses to the organization.

WisePlant Group LLC’s Comprehensive Management System (SGI) is fully developed in this manual. We are committed to creating, maintaining, and improving a management system with minimal administrative burden, maximum quality, and efficiency.‎

‎For any suggestions, queries, or observations, please write to‎: adm@wiseplant.com 

‎Scope and Exclusions‎

‎Scope‎‎: WISEGROUP has implemented an Integral Management System in accordance with the Standards that reaches the Management of the activities developed by its divisions. The SGI is continuously implemented, maintained, and improved. WISEGROUP has the necessary capacity for resources and information to carry out its activities as well as to monitor, measure and analyze the processes carried out in this organization.‎

‎We are committed to implementing the necessary actions to achieve the planned results.‎

‎Standards and Application and Interest:‎

  • ISA99 / ANSI / IEC-62443 – Industrial Cybersecurity
  • ANSI/IACET 1-2013 – Standard for Continuing Education and Training
  • ISA84 / IEC-61508 y 61511 – Functional Security
  • ISO 27000 – Security of Information
  • ISO9001:2015 – Quality Management System
  • PCI DDS – Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard
  • SOC 2 Type II Certification
  • ESIGN Compliance
  • 21 CFR Part 11 Compliance

‎Exclusions‎‎: All businesses, products and services of other business divisions that are not exclusive to WisePlant HQ are excluded from the scope of the IMS. It expressly includes the divisions: WisePlant, WiseCourses, and WiseSecurity.‎

Document Control

Date Reviewer Observations
Feb 2018 Monica Lopez Initial publication and release of the new policy
Feb 2021 Monica Lopez Minor changes and updates
Oct 2023 Maximillian Kon Minor changes and updates on list of systems

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Quality Management System (QMS)

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