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Analysis of Responsibility for the Sinking of the Titanic

In this documentary developed by HIMA we will learn about the study of responsibility for the sinking of the Titanic. It was many years after the fatal incident that security specialists revealed important findings. The sinking of the Titatic is one of the most iconic catastrophes in history. Even today the interest in knowing details of its history does not wane. There are many lessons to be learned from the disastrous fate of the gigantic vessel, known as the safest in the world.

In the next documentary you can see a forensic investigation study carried out in detail on the possible causes that would cause the sinking of the Titanic. The findings and conclusions of the following work are really significant and it is worth knowing the truth of this catastrophe, which even today continues to provide us with important lessons.

About the author: Maximillian G. Kon ISA Qualified Instructor Qualified Instructor ISA Groups Member

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